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FMP: Loneliness and Isolation Survey Monkey (Primary Research)


Updated: Apr 8, 2020

(Loneliness and Isolation (FMP Survey), 2020)

(SurveyMonkey Analyze - Loneliness and Isolation (FMP Survey), 2020)

For my primary research for my FMP this year, I created a survey on the website about loneliness and isolation as they are both themes that play an integral part in my idea because the male in my music video feels stricken down by his own negative emotions that he is feeling as he wonders around the village/town which he finds very mundane and depressing because of his troubled state of mind so he becomes misguided and perplexed as a result. Therefore, I decided that a survey that gathers information about the effects of loneliness and isolation on different people and the way different people view the emotions would be a useful way to see whether people's attitudes towards them vary based on what their age and/or gender is. That is why the first question asks them what their age is, with the majority (54.55%) of people completing the survey being between the ages of 16 and 19, the second question asks them what their gender is with most of the people taking my survey being female (54.55%) and the most common answer to the question asking people how often they feel lonely was 'almost never' (27.27%). In question four, most people (45.45%) feel like seeing loneliness and isolation represented within the media does not help them feel less lonely and isolated themselves but both answers to question five say that for the people who answered yes to the previous question, it makes them feel like they're not alone and they're not the only ones feeling the way they are.

The general themes in people's answers to question six about the definition of loneliness are having no one to turn or talk to, feeling empty and not appreciated by people around them are and the general themes in people's answers to question seven about the definition of isolation are separating yourself from society and not interacting with people resulting in the loss of connection for them. The average number in question eight, about how much of an effect loneliness and isolation have on people's mental health, is 78 whereas the average number for question nine, which is about the effect of loneliness and isolation on the mental health of the person answering the question is 73. Overall, I would say that the data gathered from the survey I made shows that although not everyone who took it is affected by the emotions of loneliness and isolation, they still have a good understanding of what they are and the serious impact it can have on a person's mental state who deals with such negative emotions so frequently with the people who took the survey who suffer from problems due to loneliness and isolation stating how heavily detrimental they know from experience the emotions can be to a person and their well-being.

Bibliography 2020. Loneliness And Isolation (FMP Survey). [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 7 April 2020]. 2020. SurveyMonkey Analyze - Loneliness and Isolation (FMP Survey). [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 7 April 2020].

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