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FMP: Meadow (Art and Wider Inspiration)


While deciding on what I wanted to do for this section of research I began thinking of games that I own that are similar to my idea for my FMP, as well as video games that possess the same sort of elements that I am looking to make sure I include in my music video. Then, I thought about the sandbox, open world and massively multiplayer online game Meadow (Might and Delight (2016)) in which you wonder around as an animal in a uniquely designed world in which there is many different types of landscapes to discover, which is essentially the premise of the game because the objective of the game is truly just to explore the world around you, along with the players who are in the same world as you if that is what you wish to do. I decided to jump onto the game after not playing it for a while and I had a feeling of serenity and happiness come over me as I entered the bizarrely shaped yet immersive world of Meadow, the collection of essence and interaction through the use of in-game emotes felt very innocent and genuine.

This was most likely due to the fact that once being able to communicate verbally is gone, as humans if we are made to communicate on a much more basic level that is at that point of simplicity in which negative emotions such as jealousy, anger, disappointment etc. can not be expressed in a seriously hurtful manner it shows the use of words not being available has a serious effect on our ability to cause hurt to other people. Except for the aspect of walking around as a collective, my FMP and the game Meadow are extremely similar with their focus on both being aesthetically individual being a clear priority as well as the concept of walking around a place with the intent of just wandering around for no particular reason during which you possibly find or do something you didn't set out to find or do but it naturally happens. The setting of a flat green landscape is also something I am wanting to include in my music video in the form of a grass field and the green landscapes of Meadow as well as the other parts of the game that I have mentioned have given me a lot inspiration for the places of creativity and originality I want to take my FMP to this year.

(Might and Delight (2016))

(Might and Delight, 2016)

(Might and Delight, 2016)


Might and Delight (2016) Meadow. [Online] PC. Stockholm Might and Delight. [video game] Available at: <> [Accessed 5 April 2020].

Might and Delight, 2016. Animals Found In The Game Walking Across A Green Landscape. [image] Available at: < [Accessed 5 April 2020].

Might and Delight, 2016. Animals Found In The Game All Lined Up Together. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 5 April 2020].

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