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Video Installation: Evaluation


Describe the process you undertook in creating your Video Installation and what were your initial ideas?

The process I undertook in creating my Video Installation was very obvious to me as I knew what I wanted to create in my mind but I was met with some problems too as my initial idea was to paint my face so that I could Chroma Key a pattern onto my face, neck and arms that represents the feeling of being detached from your daily life and not knowing why you feel like it but you are overwhelmed by it nonetheless. However, I recorded a video of myself in which I had painted my left hand to see whether the green face paint I bought from Luvyababes showed up on a video and whether my idea would actually work and it turned out it wouldn't work so I had to make some changes so that I could still record my Video Installation the next day and I decided I would use a video effect in Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 to alter my face in a unique and interesting way in order to achieve a visually immersive piece of work so the next day I just filmed everything but just without wearing the green face paint and the effects I ended up using to make my Video Installation very unique and not very lifelike is Lumetri Colour, with Ultra Key on the green screen background too so I could have a almost hypnotic pattern playing throughout. The camera that I took out to film my Video Installation was the Canon 1300D which I feel like the quality of it is a little more defined than it would be if I used the Canon 600D so I am glad I used the camera I did as it was the best one available.

How did you choose your final idea and what research did you undertake for this project?

In the end my final idea was to have a male, played by myself to really emphasize how personal the doing daily tasks such as brushing his teeth, drinking a bottle of water, eating a sandwich, eating a packet of crisps, eating a chocolate biscuit and playing a video game truly are. It ended up being edited in a way where it has the male doing the every day activities with audio that's very isolated and slightly intense and then it will cut to the male sitting around very confused and seeming quite lonely as well followed by the male doing the daily tasks again to the male feeling disconnected and detached from his surroundings in his life with quite amateurish audio changing to the the audio which sounds very secluded and then it goes back to audio recorded by the camera in order to represent how hectic and overwhelming life can be which leads to feeling detached as a result. The Gallery Research I undertook for my Video Installation was going to the Nottingham Contemporary and visiting the exhibition entitled Still Undead which was about how Bauhaus's teachings and ideas lived on in Britain via pop culture and art schools, it also inspired people to create Video Installations and Video Art which is how it relates to the unit.

We also researched three Video Artists as Primary Research and the three that I chose to research were Bill Viola, Sam Taylor-Wood/Johnson and Peter Campus. For my research of a male Video Artist I looked up the work of Bill Viola and the work that I looked at was Tristan's Ascension, The Raft and Fire Woman which I didn't find particularly amazing but I could appreciate it for what it was, I looked at The Servant, A Little Death and Still Life for my research of Sam Taylor-Wood/Johnson as my research of a female Video Artist and while I found her work interesting and provocative I didn't find it inspired me in any way to use elements of her work in my own work. However, for the Video Artist of our choice I chose to research Peter Campus and I looked at Three Transitions and R-G-B which is when I realized I had found a Video Artist that I gravitated towards as the use of Chroma Key technology and superimposing had me enticed instantly but also I feel like the personal aspect of Three Transitions with the way it was all done by Peter Campus by himself is present in my Video Installation as it definitely had a large impact on the direction it ended up going.

How well did you manage the production of your Video Installation from the ideas to filming/editing and uploading to your blog?

I feel like I was on top of my pre-production and uploading it all to my blog for my Video Installation as well as booking the studio for the whole day on Friday 6th December during which I ended up only needing the morning to film as I filmed the shots I needed at a faster pace than I thought I would so I ended up taking no where near as long as I thought I would. I'd say that if I could have managed a part of the production better it would definitely be the editing because although I got it finished and uploaded onto Facebook on Monday 6th January which is a week and a half before the deadline I edited all of it over a six hour in the early morning which it's the healthiest way to complete work at all so in the future when I have any project to edit I will make sure to spread out the editing as doing it in such a short amount of time is seriously unhealthy and from now on I will avoid doing it for my benefit and for my work's benefit.

What would you do differently next time and why, what have you learnt about producing a Video Installation and how could you use this knowledge in the future?

Another thing I will do differently next time is working by myself because although it worked well during the creation of my Video Installation in other projects I think that I would be much better working with people when filming to pursue the creative vision I personally have. In conclusion, what I have learnt about producing a Video Installation is that you need to take an unorthodox approach when coming up with the concept behind your project and producing the pre-production for it and I believe that the same unique outlook is required while editing and in post-production to produce a piece that is individual to me and in the future I can see myself incorporating the mindset I had during this project when I'm making music videos for the music video unit and for my Final Major Project as well due to how much more creative freedom it gives you when going about the process in such a manner that isn't regular way of doing it but it is effective and useful.

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