Firstly, on Monday 16th March I came in to do the recording of the Year One's dating show 'Let's Set a Date' in the TV studio for the whole afternoon and I found it to be a fun, light-hearted and productive experience. Then, on Tuesday this week I created a list of songs that I am considering using for my music video for my FMP that I will choose at the weekend as by the end of Sunday I plan to have a solid idea of what I want my music video to be as I have an idea of the aesthetic I want to try and integrate and encapsulate into it but I am not completely sure about the content of the music video at the moment but I do know that I want it to feel and be intense, perplexing and also calming at the same time with shots that are unique and generally ones that you'd never think of but my objective is to capture those shots and make them visually enticing and impressively different to the type of shots that you would usually find in music videos. The songs that I am thinking of creating a music video for are Headspace by The Wombats, Permanent High School by The Voidz, Surveillance Camera by Rey Pilla, Live Alone by Franz Ferdinand, Scorpion by Dream, Ivory, Mindshaft by Pye Corner Audio, Wait For Me by Swim Mountain and ALieNNatioN by The Voidz. I feel like all of these songs have a dark atmosphere as well as being very cool and groove driven with how bass centred they all are.
However, the first week of FMP was thrown up into the air temporarily when the college was closed until further notice due to the COVID-19 outbreak across the UK which means it would be a danger to the health of students potentially as they could easily contract coronavirus so because of that reason a Google Classroom has been set up with the resources and work that we must use and complete, with due dates being put on some pieces of work that must be done by a specific date and essentially all of the guidance and advice we could need to help us get through at least the beginning of our FMP due to the circumstances the epidemic has made happen but it has been dealt with very well and professionally by our tutors with the creation of the Google Classroom helping to ensure that we all stay on track with our Final Major Projects so the transition into learning online was done very well in my opinion. I didn't do any research this week but I plan on starting to begin on Initial Research at the beginning next week and I hope to have at least half of all the research done by the end of next week. On Wednesday I added my UCAS offers/choices and my decision of which university offer I want to accept and I decided on Bournemouth University as the establishment I want to pursue Higher Education at next year mainly due to it suiting my tastes more creatively than any of the other universities that offered me a place to study. Then on Thursday I am just writing this FMP weekly reflection.
Overall, I think the week was helpful as an introduction into our FMP for Year Two as now that we have the resources (including the brief) we need to simply get on with the parts of our FMP that come before production with any help we may require presumably being in the resources on the Google Classroom and I think that with the time in college as well as the work I have done for my FMP in my own time too and how I have organised to get the work done myself as well I think is responsible and I feel that with it, it will allow me to produce the usual good standard of work that I usually do as long as I stick to the routine I give to myself and I keep my morale up to keep being creative throughout this quite surreal time. My aim for next week is to ensure I have completed at least half of the research that needs to be done, two or three pieces of pre-production and the majority of my Pitch PowerPoint will also be completed as I want to make sure that I am working at a pace that won’t exhaust me but will still allow me to produce a good amount of work that I am pleased with the quality of what is being made as I self-isolate during these times of trouble for the world I want to make sure I stay as creative and productive as I would be at college at this time of year as I want my FMP this year to show the true creativity that I possess and can translate into the work that I create.