For research this week, I completed my primary research and practical research. The primary research consists of the results of my survey about loneliness and isolation from along with a couple paragraphs analysing the most chosen answers to questions, looking at why the answer is the most common answer and what it potentially shows about the preferences of the main audience of my FMP as well as telling me the details of who my main audience is too. Then, for practical research I looked at advanced techniques used in music videos by The Wombats, more specifically the advanced techniques used in the music videos for the songs “Greek Tragedy” and “1996” with the former switching between the use of a professional, high-definition camera to represent the perspective of an observer and the use of a camcorder in order to capture the perspective of an obsessed and dangerous fan of the band as effectively as possible.
However, for the latter I looked more at the way lighting is used through torches, laser lights, fairy lights create the atmosphere and capture the feeling of the house party/rave they are at in the music video through the many different forms of lighting used in the music video. Also, the majority of The Wombats’ music videos have a fast-paced editing style, with lots of details put into shortly timed shots to match the upbeat and fast tempo music the band is well known for. Overall, the main thing I have learnt from the research is my audience is mainly young people who are aware of the seriousness of mental health even if it doesn’t affect them personally so I think it is especially useful to me to know this so I can rely on my audience of understanding adolescents to appreciate the message fully.
This week, I have completed the actor details and health/dietary needs sheet, talent release form, actor’s CV, music video treatment, music video camera shot, production schedule and item/equipment/prop/costume/software list. I feel like the most detailed parts of pre-production that I finished this week were my music video treatment, music video camera shot list and production schedule as they are all very well organised with the two thirds of them being colour coded to help ensure that the location of what is happening is as clear as it possibly can be. Putting this amount of effort into making my work as detailed as I can has made me more enthusiastic about completing the rest of my pre-production that I need to finish to the same standard and length that I did with the three pieces that I have mentioned above setting the quality of what I should be aiming to achieve in my pre-production this year.
I believe that this week I have worked a good amount but I still feel like I should be aiming to produce more work at a quicker speed as there is undoubtedly a lot of work that needs to be completed for the FMP this year. To be able to achieve my target that I have had for at least the last two weeks I need to become more organised and set out amounts of work that I must get completed in one day in order to have that discipline in place. I think that my main objective for next week should be to get all of my research and research done in time for the deadline and if I don’t I should begin working with more focus on making the work to a good enough standard instead of doing it to a near perfect standard like I have been doing because although it is admirable it is an unnecessary amount of effort that could be put into other work that could be improved instead.