In Faye's lesson on Tuesday 15th September we started on Unit 9 with her which is Dystopian in Films: Fact or Fiction and we started off the lesson by looking at what dystopia means as well as what utopia means and how they are related to each other. We then talked about how dystopias are applicable to our own world and how some of the common fears that are explored in dystopias such as what if the earth runs out of resources?, what if the government used reality TV as a form of propaganda?, what if we stop having as many children? etc. and how they are not so far from being reality. We then looked at the concept of "Used Future" and how we acknowledge that in the future things will be broken, garbage will still be where garbage shouldn't be, clothes are torn and ripped and there will still be beggars in poverty. Basically, all the world's problems won't magically be fixed. We also touched on the point of that even though they are worst-case scenarios for our future and however paranoid they may seem they also expose important truths about the current reality we live in too.
After we wrote all of the notes that we took from the first part of our session with Faye up onto our blogs and then we took notes on the characteristics of a dystopian society, types of dystopian controls (corporate, bureaucratic, technological and philosophical or religious) and the dystopian protagonist. We also made notes about 'the dystopian protagonist' and started our presentations and handouts in groups for either Marxism, Stuart Mill- The Subjection of Women, Social Dominance Theory, Frantz Franon Oppression and Colonialism or Susan Faludi- 'Backlash'. My group, me Harry and Matt, are doing a presentation and handout on Marxism. When we made notes from all of the slides from the PowerPoint and we had made a start on the Marxism presentation and handouts, we typed up the notes from the slides onto our blog and if we did not type all of it up we need to do it before the next lesson. I think that today's lesson was quite an interesting lesson and will be very helpful when making notes on dystopian films while watching them which I still need to do as well as the part of my blog about today's lesson where I say what dystopian films I have seen and how they make me feel and what fears they explore too. Although today's lesson was quite an intense one for me overall what we learnt in the lesson was worth the stress it caused and from it we are more prepared to write the essay and continue the research about dystopian films so the lesson was a good and helpful lesson.