On Tuesday 7th January we began our Interactive Screening Report and what I added to my report was in answer to the question 'How did your interactive screening go and what was your role?' but I will continue to add to the part to add more detail to what my role entailed and how it played a part in ensuring that the event ran as smoothly as it could do with how much preparation we did for it. Another question I answered partly was 'How effective is market research when tailoring a product or event to a specific audience?' and what I added to my report about this lesson included basic information about the allergies survey Kinga posted on Facebook, a poster made by Jack promoting the Interactive Screening that we made was put up around E floor for other media students to see so they would possible become persuaded to come to our Secret Cinema of The Polar Express. Also, Tenzin made a Facebook event for the Interactive Screening which attracted quite a lot of attention too so that was eventually very beneficial to the turnout for Interactive Screening so it proved to be a very useful type of marketing. Overall, I feel like the amount of work I completed was not on the same elvel of the amount I usually do however I will make sure that the work that needs to be completed is done to a quality that I am happy with and one that matches the standard of the usual quality of work that I produce which I feel like I can and will achieve for this piece of work.
Weekly Reflection- Week 7 (Don't Dream It, Be It) Lesson 5
Updated: Jan 9, 2020