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Weekly Reflection- Week 9 (Specialist Study) Lesson 1


On Tuesday 21st January we started the lesson by going through all the research that we need to do for our documentary and the options available to us for what we can do for each type of research. The types of research that we need to do for our documentary include primary research and secondary research as well as audience profiling too. The primary research we can do is surveys (survey monkeys), interviews and targeted questionnaire/focus groups. The secondary research we can do is modes of documentary, the documentary on the history of documentaries, background research, contextual research, watching documentaries and formative research. The audience profiling includes demographic+geo demographic, psychographic, ethnographic, audience theory and audience theory. After taking these notes down we decided what mode/s of documentary our documentaries are, took pictures of notes about the modes of documentary and made notes on the documentary about the history of documentaries. After that we filled out the sheet required for the Student Representative meeting as we filled out the sheet as a class gathering everyone's opinions on the issues raised by the sheet. Overall, I feel that this lesson was very informative and helpful in making us more knowledgeable about the process behind making a documentary and how to make the process easier.

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