This week was Industry Week, so on Monday 2nd March we had Jake Meskell, a Junior Assistant Producer at Sky Sports Boxing and Ali Catterall, writer and journalist for The Guardian both came in to do lectures with Jake's lecture focusing on the importance of social media in the industry as well as its importance in his job too as part of his job is running the Sky Sports Boxing Instagram account. His talk also included looking at what else he does in his job such as traveling across the world to interview professional boxers and finding the most interesting, sought after stories in boxing at the fastest speed possible. Then, after his lecture we had the lecture from Ali which mainly centered around being a critic and the concept of a review, which related to the small workshop he got everyone to do that included writing a 150 word review on a piece of media that we had 15 minutes to complete. I preferred the talk from Jake Meskell as it relates to my career aspirations more so than the insight that Ali gave with his talk on journalism which I found less helpful than Jake's lecture. Then, on Wednesday there was a lecture by Clare Tavernor from Phono Films, who works on documentaries and films that she is passionate about and feels will be entertaining but also important to make for herself personally but also to show the truth behind different cultures across the world. I thought that the answers that Clare gave to the questions she was asked were very well thought out and detailed with really interesting guidance on situations we may come across in the industry.
Out of all the guest lectures I was present for I got Jake's Instagram and Clare's email address because I genuinely found both of their talks helpful and interesting. At the beginning of the week I was working on the Left Lion brief with a group but on Thursday my group all joined another group so I decided to spend my time completing weekly reflections that I needed to get up to date with as well as applying for a work placement at Copper Studios as box office/usher staff on Thursday but then on Friday I received a call from Jennifer Basi, the work placement provider who said that because a lot of people applying for the box office/usher staff role would I be fine switching to the role of a backstage crew member which I completely was so I am going to do that job instead for the Copper Studios work placement. So overall, I feel that although I didn't get a lot of work done this week the enrichment I got from the lectures by people a part of the industry and the experience I will gain from the work placement I applied for and got accepted to do as a backstage crew member at Copper Studios for their theatre production of Cats. Also, I caught up on my weekly reflections so I may not have produced a lot of work but I am on top of the work I need to complete for every week and I am actively seeking opportunities to improve my knowledge of the industry and to make what I create and the way I operate in the industry a lot better and more efficient which I believe is a very useful way to use my time at college.