On Tuesday 10th March in the morning during Sarah's lesson I worked on my UCAS blog in which details are included in the application with the different sections such as Education, Employment, Personal Statement, Referee Details and Letters. I am going to add screenshots of all of my offers as well as my firm and insurance choices that I choose out of the five offers that I received from universities which I will do next week. Then, in the afternoon in Rob's lesson I made a blog post about industry week and how I found certain talks from guest lecturers that came in during the week more interesting and useful than some of the other talks that happened during the week too. The two lectures that I thought were the most enjoyable and educational were the ones by Junior Assistant Producer at Sky Sports Boxing Jake Meskell and filmmaker and creator of Phono Films Clare Tavernor who did a very good job of explaining their roles, how they acquired the jobs they have currently and what it means about the position they hold in the industry.
On Wednesday I was in college from 10:30am helping with the Year 1's dating show 'Let's Set a Date', filming a VT both in college and at a park quite close to college as well which was very enjoyable if I'm honest. On Thursday in Marissa's lesson, the final day I was in during the week I ensured that my blog about the insightful lectures is as good as it can be and working on ideas for songs that I can do for my music video that I'm doing for my FMP as well as concepts for the actual music video. Overall, I feel like I spent the week completing important work that I am glad I did this week because if I hadn't I feel like I would have just kept procrastinating and not done it as soon as I should have so I think it was a good week for getting work out of the way so that I can progress with what I would consider more important work in the coming weeks that is a part of my FMP this year.